Here you will find your welding solutions for saw bands, band knives and steel strip

Butt and flash butt welding machines

Type BSS and BAS IDEAL butt and flash butt welding machines are designed for the efficient joining of saw bands, band knives and steel strip. Their strengths lie in precise, heavy-duty butt welding that can be reproduced in high quality. Emphasis was on the operator when designing the machine, with simple, ergonomic operation in mind.

The compact and robust design of the machine with its intuitive operation is aimed not only at industrial use in wood- and metal-processing operations, but also in mobile repairs. Used around the world, IDEAL BSS and BAS butt welding machines have been proving their quality and reliability on a day-to-day basis … and have been doing so for decades.

The benefits of our welding machines for saw bands, band knives and steel strip

  • No addition of solder, flux or other additional materials
  • Machine housings of a robust design for durability in a challenging production environment
  • Perfectly aligned welds, free of offset by using highly accurate wear-free guides
  • Uniform, high degree of distribution of pressure without the part slipping during the welding process by means of adjustable manual, pneumatic or hydraulic clamping devices (varies according to machine type)
  • Quick-changing electrode inserts and pressure fittings for short setup times
  • Electronic components arranged in either machine housing or separate cabinet for optimum protection against dirt and damage
  • Upset welding by means of an either mechanically or pneumatically pre-tensed spring system for exactly the same welding results
  • Either sensitive or, as may apply, continuous adjustment of the upset force and path for optimum welding results
  • Automatic control of the welding process for precisely repeatable welding results
  • Precise multi-stage adjustment of the welding voltage for optimum process parameters

Our BSS butt welding machines for handling strips of up to 50 mm

Butt welding is the most affordable/economic way of joining strips. With butt welding, dirt is pushed out of the weld during the process. This results in a heavy duty weld.

  • Integrated annealing installation for the best welding results
  • Two-stage annealing adjustment (except BSS 016)
  • Adjustable jaw distance for the annealing process for optimum annealing throughout the welded strip
  • Automatic pressure release of the weld for the duration of the annealing process for best results (BSS 040 + 050)
  • IDEAL EG electronic annealing function for continuous setting of the annealing voltage for convenient treatment of the weld
  • IDEAL AHM attachment shears for best preparation of the strip ends (for BSS 016 + 025)
  • IDEAL ESM built-in grinding motor for finishing the weld (except BSS 050)

Types BAS 040-065 flash butt welding machine for handling strips of up to 60 mm

  • Flash butt welding stands out with even heat distribution, the formation of a protective atmosphere, and the avoidance of dirt in the weld, and as such guarantees a high-quality welded joint.
  • The BAS 040 – 065 series of machines is equipped with ground electrodes for water cooling. In this manner, very high production outputs can be ensured.
  • All BAS 040 – 065 type machines are already fitted with the IDEAL electronic annealing function (EG) as standard.
  • The EG electronic annealing function allows the continuous adjustment of the annealing voltage and annealing time (except type 040) of the convenient treatment of the weld and increased process security.
  • An adjustable jaw gap and the automatic pressure release of the weld during the annealing process guarantees an optimum annealing result

Optional electronic annealing temperature control GTR for optimum flexural strength of the weld seam:

  • Automatic annealing temperature control GTR with infra-red spectral pyrometer for contactless temperature measurement including beam aiming device, LED lighting and automatic lens protection
  • Target value setting for three different temperature stages, heat-up, annealing and cool-down times, as well as graphic visualisation of the annealing process

BAS 300 series: Flash butt welding machine for strips with a width of up to 215 mm

This machine is designed for the heaviest of industrial uses and the highest production output of the best quality around the clock. A wide range of functions are already included in the basic configuration, such as the IDEAL GTR annealing temperature control with pyrometer. Easy operation is also paramount here: The complete welding and annealing process is started fully automatically with just a single action. This allows consistently high quality to be achieved:

  • Central control of all product-specific settings on the colour touch screen
  • Storage of up to 99 programme datasets
  • USB interface for transferring and securing programmes
  • Control of the welding process via maintenance-free servo motors
  • Automatic positioning of the initial jaw gap by selecting the programme without further additional adjustments
  • Perfect centrally positioned weld through automatic calculation of the best annealing result
  • High shut-off accuracy by means of electronically controlled power cut-off for repeatedly accurate welding results
  • Machine automatically stops in the event of a deviation between the target and actual value, with the deviating parameter given by means of parameter control and shown on the central display
  • Stop bars with quick adjustment for short fitting times
  • Easy calibration of the stop bars by means of calibrating template
  • Optimised cleaning process due to air nozzles
  • Electronic piece counter
  • Continuous and individual setting of flash speed and flash path
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  • Automatic annealing temperature control GTR with infra-red spectral pyrometer for contactless temperature measurement including beam aiming device, LED lighting and automatic lens protection
  • Target value setting for three different temperature stages, heat-up, annealing and cool-down times, as well as graphic visualisation of the annealing process
  • IDEAL centering device ESW (not for BAS 360): For precise positioning of the band ends on the welding plane
  • IDEAL hydraulic deburring device EV (for BAS 330 and BAS 340): For the automatic removal of the welding burr on the top and bottom face of the band during annealing
  • IDEAL pneumatic insertion device ELV (for BAS 310 and BAS 320): For rapid and simple insertion of narrow bands up to 25 mm wide
  • IDEAL additional clamping device ZSPN: For stabilising very long bands
  • Special clamping device for retaining and aligning band knives (for BAS 330 and BAS 340)

Accessories for the pre- and post-processing of strips for all machine types

You can add to and expand your strip grinding machine with different components to suit your needs. These include various designs of strip shears and grinding machines that can be added directly to the machines for the further processing of the welded strips and band saws.


IDEAL APE strip shears for the burr-free and right-angled cutting of strips as the first step for a high-quality strip join

Grinding machines

IDEAL-SMH or, as may apply, SMP grinding machines for machining the weld of strips with a width of up to 320 mm

IDEAL coil joining machines We are happy to help you. Contact us.